Announcement: The National Science Foundation (NSF) has announced that the following sets of NSF Award Terms and Conditions have been revised: The revised award terms and conditions will apply to all new NSF awards and funding amendments to existing NSF awards made on or after May 20, 2024. Questions? Please direct any questions to the DCG Contracts […]
Revised NSF Application Guide
Announcement: The National Science Foundation (NSF) has published a revised version of the NSF Application Guide (NSF 24-006). Overall, the guide has been updated to align with the revisions to NSF’s Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) (NSF 24-1). Changes include: A by-chapter summary of changes is provided at the beginning of the document. […]
Cayuse SP Login Issue
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NIH eRA Commons – Improved Visual Appearance in Modules
Announcement: Over the next few months, several eRA Commons modules and screens will be moving to an improved visual appearance being adopted by other eRA modules. The new look is part of a required technology upgrade to enhance the security and stability of eRA Commons. New screens will be rolled out during the next few months […]
Increase to NIH Salary Cap (FY 2024)
Announcement: The National Institutes of Health(NIH) recently released a notice regarding the salary limitation for NIH grant and cooperative agreement awards and extramural research and development contract awards. The Office of Personnel Management recently released new salary levels for the Executive Pay Scale. Effective January 1, 2024, the salary limitation for Executive Level II is $221,900. For […]
Updated Information for Identification and Management of Research Services Agreements
Update: The Department of Contracts and Grants (DCG), in collaboration with the Office of General Counsel (OGC) has updated the DCG Website to include new guidance on Services Agreements. The new webpage includes guidance on how to identify services scopes, lays out roles and responsibilities for different units, provides points of contact at OGC, SPA, and DCG, […]