Reminder: Now that all proposals have been converted from KC to Cayuse SP, you can now create proposals that are:
- Not Related to a proposal or award (i.e., not linked to a previously submitted proposal or award). These are typically identified with the Proposal Type “New”.
- Related to existing proposals or awards (i.e., linked to a previously submitted proposal or award). These are typically identified with the Proposal Type “Continuation”, “Resubmission”, “Renewal”, “Revision”, and “Supplement”.

Linking proposal records at the time they are created in Cayuse SP is vital for accurate reporting. If a relevant proposal (e.g., Resubmission, Continuation, Supplement etc.) is not accurately linked to a previous proposal or award, you will not be able to do so at a later point in time, including at the award stage.
DCG has created a Proposal Linking Guide to assist you on how to link a proposal record to a previously submitted proposal or active award within the Cayuse SP system.
The attached guide includes information on:
- Understanding Project Titles
- Locating Previous Proposals
- Locating Previous Awards
- Linking Previous Records
Questions? If you are still unable to locate a previous record to tie your current proposal record to, please contact your DCG Officer or feel free to post in our Slack Channel.