Announcement: Have you ever wondered which Cayuse SP actions trigger email notifications? Below are some of the email triggers and notifications that get generated when routing a proposal for review and approval as well as sending tasks:
PI/Co-PI Certification
After a proposal record is sent into routing, the PI/Co-PI will receive an email asking them to certify the proposal. The email states:
“Dear <PI/Co-PI Name>,
A proposal where you are identified as Principal Investigator (PI), Co-PI, or Multi-PI is ready for your certification and approval. To certify this proposal, please log in to Cayuse SP. This link will take you directly to the referenced proposal. Please review and approve the proposal at your earliest convenience to ensure it can be reviewed and submitted prior to the sponsor deadline.”
Note: The above PI Certification email notification currently only generates on the initial routing. If the proposal gets returned for changes during the routing process, the email notification will not occur.
Department/School Approvals
After the PI(s) certify the proposal record, the proposal is sent to the next routing level, which is most often the school. In some instances, it is sent to the Department for approval first, however the email is the same. The email states:
“Dear <Approver Name>,
Proposal <Proposal Number> for project title <Project Title> is ready for your review and approval. To approve this proposal, please log in to Cayuse SP. This link will take you directly to the referenced proposal. Please review and approve the proposal at your earliest convenience to ensure it can be reviewed and submitted prior to the sponsor deadline.”
Note: The above Approver email notification currently only generates on the initial routing. If the proposal gets returned for changes during the routing process, the email notification will not occur.
Task Assignments
When a task gets sent, the recipient will receive an email that states:
“Dear <Task Assignee>,
<Task Assigner> has assigned you the task <Task Name> initiated with a due date of <Task Due Date>. Click to view your assigned tasks.”
As enhancements are made to Cayuse SP, the Department of Contracts and Grants will continue to distribute additional updates regarding proposal notifications. Be on the lookout for a forthcoming NewsFlash on Award email notifications!
Questions? Please reach out to your DCG Officer or feel free to post your question in our DCG Slack Channel.