Announcement: The Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR) module in eRA Commons is moving June 23 to the new visual appearance of other eRA modules. This is part of a required technology upgrade that will enhance the security and stability of the module. The release will include the addition of the new unique entity identifiers (UEI) where applicable as well as required FORMS-G changes, including updated budget forms. This is a heads up that since the budget forms (applicable to non-SNAP awards only) will be updated to the new Forms-G version, recipients with in-progress RPPRs will need to redo their budget forms if their RPPR is not submitted by June 22, a day before the release. See NOT-OD-22-130 for details.
RPPRs submitted on or before June 22 will reflect the FORMS-F budget forms. Due dates for submission of the RPPR remain unchanged. See
Questions? If you have any questions, please feel free to contact your DCG Officer.