Announcement: Last minute and same-day proposal submissions do not allow enough lead time to conduct a proper review of proposals and can jeopardize the ability to meet a sponsor’s deadline. Please note the importance of routing final, ready to submit proposals to your DCG officer at least two (2) business days prior to the deadline date to ensure a standard review for a successful submission. The proposal review process has been expanded to incorporate revisions, completion of missing training, and may potentially require multiple submissions to pass through an electronic system. This additional time for review is compounded during a deadline day when multiple proposals require the same level of attention. Thus, if a proposal is received less than 24 hours in advance of the deadline date, investigators and department administrators are at risk of creating a late or rejected proposal. DCG may not be able to provide a complete review or conduct resubmissions that guarantee that the proposal will be successfully submitted to the sponsor.
Please consider that there may be differences with each sponsor’s late submission
policy, and many sponsors are no longer sympathetic to circumstances that lead to late
proposal submissions. In most cases, if the system’s time stamped deadline is not met,
the proposal will be rejected and not considered for potential funding.
Questions? If you have any questions, please consult with your DCG Officer.